Miah KleinYou can tell what kind of person someone is by the images they take. Those kids let you into their world and are having fun. I love the focus change to the hands on the slide by the way. You captured gold!ReplyCancel
Jaimie Dee PhotographyBeautiful website! I LOVE your work! I just stumbled across your stuff today and think it is amazing!!! I really appreciate your shooting style! I could look through your work all day. Keep it up! 🙂ReplyCancel
julie hso good! was this the shoot where you got wood chips in your bum?ReplyCancel
Laurel McConnellThis is so sweet! Simon is SO big, and of COURSE Dorothy looks so stunning, she looks great pregnant!ReplyCancel
LauraAh Jenny! Congrats on your new site- it’s pretty fabulous. I haven’t been to your blog for a while, and this family shoot simply rocks. So much good stuff!ReplyCancel
Gemma Carrsquashed noses photos is the best! JJ, how do you come up with this stuff?ReplyCancel
Michelle Moore*GUSH*
Annie BeedyThey are adorable! Your sis is so pretty!