
Category Archives: PETS

Bardot Family

The Bardot family added another to their clan, and I was flattered when they asked me to come down and document their lives. They are a family of artists based in Sacramento, CA. You have to check out their fantastically colorful and energetic photography and illustratio

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Natochy family at home with pup

Dublin, CA Daiva is a talented photographer in her own right. I’m flattered that she’d have me out to document her beautiful family & rambunctious pup, Nacho.

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Fanny + Sully = The Squillace Family

The Squillace Family had me out to photograph Sullivan for his 1st birthday.  Of course I fell for Fanny, their Boston Terrier, as well.  Don’t they make the perfect pair?

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Hannah & Peter

Ocean Beach.  San Francisco, CA

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