Ali & Conor are featured on Seattle Met Bride & Groom today.
I photographed 5 remarkable local chefs for the Stranger’s annual food pull-out, The Sauce: Edouardo Jordan of Salare Restaurant Kristi Brown- Wokoma of That Brown Girl Cooks (the BEST black-eyed pea hummus) Tarik Abdullah of Morning Star Brunch and Midnight Mecca Pop-ups Donna Moodie of Marjorie (try her steel drum plantains YUM) Makini Howell of Plum Bistro (A...
I’m honored to have been chosen as Glazer’s Camera Photographer of the Month for October. My live & portrait music photography will be exhibited throughout the month in Glazer’s Dexter Ave classroom (501 Dexter Ave N, Seattle), with an opening party on Thursday, October 1st from 5-8pm. Stop by and take a peek.
I’m excited to share the work I’ve been doing for Haiti Babi, a Seattle-based company that employs women in Haiti at more than twice the minimum wage to knit & crochet luxury heirloom baby blankets & hats. Many of these women are the breadwinners in their family, and their employment enables them to keep and care for...