Miah KleinYou can tell what kind of person someone is by the images they take. Those kids let you into their world and are having fun. I love the focus change to the hands on the slide by the way. You captured gold!ReplyCancel
Jaimie Dee PhotographyBeautiful website! I LOVE your work! I just stumbled across your stuff today and think it is amazing!!! I really appreciate your shooting style! I could look through your work all day. Keep it up! 🙂ReplyCancel
julie hso good! was this the shoot where you got wood chips in your bum?ReplyCancel
matt sloanswing shots are sooo awesome! 🙂
Miah KleinYou can tell what kind of person someone is by the images they take. Those kids let you into their world and are having fun. I love the focus change to the hands on the slide by the way. You captured gold!
Jaimie Dee PhotographyBeautiful website! I LOVE your work! I just stumbled across your stuff today and think it is amazing!!! I really appreciate your shooting style! I could look through your work all day. Keep it up! 🙂
julie hso good! was this the shoot where you got wood chips in your bum?