Updated headshots for WestStar Prosperity Partners‘ re-brand. The goal was to get one straightforward image plus a second that showed more of the employee’s personality. Guess which one these are.
Updated headshots for WestStar Prosperity Partners‘ re-brand. The goal was to get one straightforward image plus a second that showed more of the employee’s personality. Guess which one these are.
Oh, the first few days of a newborn at home. Exhaustion, constant breastfeeding, always needing extra hands to help, and the sweet smiles and laughter that keep you all going. All that + cats.
More family photos can be seen in Family portfolio gallery, or hop straight to booking info for newborn, pregnancy, and family lifestyle sessions.
Meredith Clark’s book, Lyrebird, is out tomorrow, 10/27, through Platypus Press. A story in fragments, Lyrebird is the documentation of a miscarriage, the chronicle of the dissolution of a relationship, and a memoir of the discovery that it is possible to approach a thing with all the care in the world and still break it. It’s a gorgeous piece of tender writing that I have held onto like the memory of a dream ever since she shared it with me earlier this year in advance of the author portrait session we did together. Here are a few selects.
See more portraits of various artists and people of interest in the Editorial gallery.
Nana Gyesie, PhD. His energy is both calming and invigorating – he can excite and engage you just as quickly as he can make you feel grounded and introspective.
Nana, which means “king” in his native country of Ghana – fitting given the crown-like shape of his hair and large stature, hired me to do a mix of studio headshots and environmental portraits for the website of his new leadership and life coaching business, Inner Mileage. We started in the studio with a Quickie session, then headed outdoors on a beautiful foggy Seattle day for some images that showed him connecting with nature and included negative space to allow for text to be added at a later date.
I’m honored to have contributed to Showing Pregnancy in the Workplace, a photography project from Working Assumptions that documents visibly pregnant people while working, to offset a lack of photographic representation of working pregnant people in popular culture. The project questions if the existence of these images could help us think more critically about our values and expectations. Around eight years ago I followed Halbe (above) in her role as Director of Advancement, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, at the University of Washington. It took some time for the project to be published, but it’s finally up!
From the Showing website:
“Pregnancy in the workplace is a familiar part of public life. About half of paid workers in the United States are women, and the majority of them will have a baby over the course of their work life. Pregnant women work in all areas: offices, legislatures, warehouses, hospitals, stores, fields, and anywhere else they can collect a paycheck.
And yet, pregnancy in the workplace is nearly invisible. After extensive research from 2009 to 2012, Working Assumptions uncovered only a handful of photos depicting pregnancy in the workplace. Staged stock photos and celebrity “baby bump” shots were plentiful. But real everyday images of pregnant women at work were few and far between.
Showing: Pregnancy in the Workplace is a project about this blind spot. What would happen if we put photographers in workplaces with visibly pregnant women? That question soon sparked others. Why is pregnancy in the workplace so rarely photographed? Is there something uncomfortable about the topic? And can these photographs help us think critically about our values and our expectations about productivity, power, vulnerability, and nurturing?
More women in the U.S. work, and more men spend time raising their children, than ever before. Things are changing. So why does pregnancy in the workplace still look surprising?”
You can browse the collection of images here. Bonus image below of me at 8 months, working through my own pregnancy back in 2017. I was sporting a pregnancy belt under that drop-crotch romper.