

Reception Disco Dancing

Kristi & Sam‘s adorable dancing nephews:

Not to be outdone, Sam’s friends took over.

My vote is for the kids, but I have to give these guys credit!

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Panty Party!

Every year around Valentine’s Day my girlfriends get together and throw a party to make sure everyone gets some love and attention. Each lady submits her lingerie sizes and preferences (e.g., yes boycut, no thongs), which are then assigned a number and given to another lady anonymously to buy for us. We are given the number, sizes and preferences of yet another lady. This culminates in an evening of food, drink, and dress up at Pretty Parlor, where they let you swing from the chandelier in your new panties. I’m super stoked because that evening is… sorry, it’s a secret!

I of course bring my camera to document the fun and no, I won’t tell you where the password protected photos are. I can, however, share these two of Erin and Carly. Erin unknowingly had Carly that year and gave her some Yoshimi designs; items from her clothing line. Carly had been lusting after Yoshimi (it’s sold at the Parlor) but didn’t know Erin personally. It was so much fun to watch these two connect for the first time. They were glued to each other the whole night and posted for a series of photos in their matching outfits.

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Jodi’s Bridal Shower

I went to NY the weekend before last for my little sister’s bridal shower. I brought the bridesmaid dresses Ruthie custom made for the wedding. She attached a cute little note to each with instructions for care and alterations if necessary.

My mom brought her wedding portraits from August 5th, 1972. Parents' bridal party

Checking out the younger version of my parents:

Mom and Dad

Mom caught up with an old friend, Connie, who she met decades ago when they discovered from a mutual friend they were dating the same guy. Instead of duking it out, they conspired. They bought the same dress, did their hair the same way, and went to the bowling alley where they knew he’d be, acting like the best of friends.
Connie and Mom

I caught up with my cousins. Every Thanksgiving we’d take the same photo with grandma. I’m on her right (her left. your right). This was taken in 1988. My aunt had it made into a painting:

Back to the shower. I figure other people have the domestic gifts covered. You can always count on me for something spicy. Along with my tradition of giving something silky, I threw in’s Position of the Day Playbook. The ladies loved it:

well, most:

Jodi seemed to:

I’m curious what airport security thought of it. I opened my suitcase to find the book unwrapped and put back together with a large “inspected by” sticker. I wish I had a photo for that!

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